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Traditional Artwork

Traditional artwork is artwork physically created by hand onto a canvas (Ex: a peice of paper, cardboard, an actual canvas, etc)

Watajii usually creates with mediums such as oil paint, watercolors, acrylic paint, and more.


(slide left to see more)

Watercolor Paintings

With 4+ years of experience, watercolor paint is Watajii's preferred art medium/material when creating traditional artwork

Oil Paintings

Watajii's oil painting journey began in 2021 and continues to be an art medium/material of interest. 

Other/Multi Media


Although a majority of Watajii's artwork often includes multiple types of art mediums/materials within a single peice, these works of art are created mainly with art materials other than watercolor or oil paint.



Mostly unfinished artwork or quick sketches.
Seeing an artist's sketches can help one gain better insight into the artist's creative process and mindset throughout creating.
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